Farewell to Katy who has returned to Belgium this month. We wish Katy all the very best.
Welcome Angelina to the lab for a Summer placement!
Farewell to Katy who has returned to Belgium this month. We wish Katy all the very best.
Welcome Angelina to the lab for a Summer placement!
A hat trick for publications this month! Well done to lab members for their publications; Ana, Rebekah & Wearn-Xin for their work on markerless gene editing in Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Rene & Rachel for their Neisseria review and Giulia for her work undertaken with collaborators in Rome on the Shigella virulence plasmid.
Congratulations to Kacper! Kacper was one of eight undergraduates named in the Vice-Chancellor’s speech at Encaenia for his incredible work.
Congratulations to Ana for her talk, and Kacper for his poster presentation at the Annual Microbiology Society Conference in Belfast.
A warm welcome to Tanuka who joins the lab as a post doc!
A sad farewell to Giulia this month. We all wish Giulia the very best for the next exciting steps of her career. We look forward to updates!
Tang lab celebrated Chinese New Year with a great group lunch. Lab members also managed to catch up for lunch in Hangzhou!
We were really pleased to welcome final year PhD student Rachel to the lab for a two week visit. Rachel joins us from Nottingham Trent University and is the student of past Tang lab member; Dr. Gareth McVicker.
2022 started with Rachel presenting a great talk at the NgoRS conference.
Congratulations to lab members (past and present) on acceptance of their paper on maintenance of the Shigella sonnei virulence plasmid to J Bacteriol!
Tang lab sadly said farewell to George and Zhen this month. We wish them all the very best for the future.
A warm welcome to Rene who joins the lab as a post doc! A big welcome too to the Maiden lab who moved into their new lab space at the Dunn School (albeit temporarily!). What better way to celebrate than with pizza!